Aderyn & Aylin

Why would you think that, what have you seen to suggest it is that time of the month?
Russia and the other countries must be by far the best selling pads and tampons countries. :innocent:

Is the time shown correct, I am thinking it is one hour slow.

she can always s___p like this, when she wakes up it’s hard to bear

:open_mouth: … :heart_eyes:


Be nice if he knew how to use that!

One word…archives! It’s all there, if you care to look. :slight_smile:

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Yeah I know he has the capability.been with some hot girls.but the last time was like early December
And that was with Aylin :upside_down_face:

He seems to be very sensitive. I can imagine it is too much pressure for him right now. Getting an own place so fast is qutie unusual considering he was not together for a long time with Aylin.

He will be OK. He just needs time to settle, as is the case for any new tenant I suppose (not just those on camera). :slight_smile:

The situation here is different. Most people are a couple or at least already known to each other for some time. Here we have two strangers who only had sex with each other a few times.

Yeah brings me back to Ken&Barbie.
Took them a long time to come out of their shell!
Just my little kissing bandits and they did a lot of that
Until I give them the name K&B :heart_eyes:
And now look at her .in @jabbath1987 favorite outfit most of the time
And one of our fav of Vhtv!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I agree and with that it brings a different dynamic to what all the other apartments bring

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Yes, very much so. I agree with you entirely but my original point still stands, he will be OK. He just needs encouragement from people who watch him. We all need some of that at times, don’t we?! :slight_smile:

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As I said before, in these situations, where she is, she is still very far from the level of Flora, who just doesn’t stop, nor did she care.
It will take time, the boy who will pay a visit to other apartment.
There is no trust between them, the girl always closes the bathroom door, the trust between them, will also take a little longer

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Aylin is not the right girl for Aderyn, he`s a cute and friendly boy and will fuck. she just wants to live in the apartment and she hasn’t touched him since she’s been there. they should have stayed with yan and flora better or they have to give aderyn a better girl that he can fuck all day with his huge cock. this will not go well with her behavior for long

all she does is scream at him like a little spoil brat… All she need a good flogging and gag ball in her month LOL


Both of you couldn’t be any further from the truth

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So it is vice versa? He is the problem?

Is there even a problem?

No idea. I did not watch that place today. I just thought because your comment…