Abba s back - So who has the best bottom on site

DAM IT MY EYES were not ready for that , be polite & at least send a health warning before whale photo s :upside_down_face:

As an aside , somebody somewhere loves that as a godess , now theres a thought
goddess GIF

Good grief that was a shock! Who owns it!!! :open_mouth:

The one that s___ps in the guestroom at likka’s

Funny’s ass is awesome 2

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I think Rejolda’s really was one of the best!

She has left so does not count Sorryyyyyyyyy :smiley:

the cutest little butt in VH belongs to Isabelle.

This one, is very, very nice…

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Darcie to me got a nice ass

Ninguna le gana a conor :joy: ese chico tiene el trasero perfecto, pero si de nombrar una mujer se trata me gusta mas el de rachel

Wow ! that realy fills my screen , enough said
Napad Silene GIF by Cini Minis Global

This one also takes a bit of beating
Not sure whether it is Lyla or Zora - who cares!

This one is Lyla

Champion bum spotter :rofl:

Taken to wearing a hard hat whilst on site :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

nice one!



My vote goes to Sabrina.

beautiful lady

gorgeous may I say???